You may return new/unopened items sold and fulfilled by Rajeunir within 30 days of delivery for a full refund. During the holidays, items shipped by Rajeunir between November 1st and December 31st can be returned up to and until January 31st.
Usually in about 2-3 weeks. Most refunds are fully refunded within 7 days after we receive and process your return.
If you received a damaged or defective item, we’ll ship you a replacement of the exact item upon your return of the damaged or defective item (or adequate photographs).
When returning an item for a refund, your method of payment will be your refund method unless stated otherwise.
If you are receiving a refund after we have received your item, it may take an additional three to five business days to process your return fully and issue your refund.
Please note that in order for us to process a refund or a return the customer must send an email to us at our customer service representatives will be more than happy to assist you with this query.